Green budgeting, Green budgetary item lists, and Brown budgetary item lists
• 綠色預算是一種以預算為重點的工具和過程,可幫助決策者管理和組織旨在實現歐盟氣候和環境目標的政策或措施
• 委員會經濟和金融事務總局 (DG ECFIN) 發布了綠色和棕色預算項目清單,以幫助成員國選擇適合自己的措施
歐盟提供了兩種綠色預算的定義。 首先,綠色預算意味著使用預算決策工具來幫助實現氣候和環境目標。 其次,它被理解為一個過程,在這個過程中,預算項目和政策的環境貢獻被確定並根據具體的績效指標進行評估,目的是更好地使預算政策與環境目標保持一致(歐洲委員會,日期不詳)。 2019 年,歐盟委員會發布了一份名為“歐洲綠色協議”的文件,試圖通過一項戰略應對氣候和環境相關的挑戰,旨在將歐盟轉變為一個公平繁榮的社會,現代化、資源節約型和 到 2050 年溫室氣體淨排放量為零且經濟增長與資源使用脫鉤的競爭性經濟體(歐盟委員會,2019 年)。 歐盟作為一個集體團體正在超越國界,通過國際努力建立一個聯盟,以加強其環境雄心,作為實施聯合國 2030 年議程和可持續發展目標的一個組成部分。
對於政府而言,為了實現任何目標和規劃戰略,預算編制起著關鍵作用。 委員會估算了實現氣候和能源目標的成本,每年需要額外投資 2600 億歐元。 此外,委員會還提出了一個 25% 的目標,將氣候主流化納入所有歐盟計劃,另一個替代收入來源是基於非回收塑料包裝廢物,並將歐盟排放交易系統拍賣的 20% 的審查分配給 歐盟預算。 此外,至少 30% 的 InvestEU 基金將用於氣候變化以及相關的可持續發展項目,這些項目將導致歐盟預算。 與歐洲投資銀行 (EIB) 集團的合作將與國家促進銀行和機構合作,到 2025 年將其氣候目標從 25% 提高一倍至 50%,成為歐洲的氣候銀行。 作為綠色金融計劃的一部分,可持續歐洲投資計劃下的公正過渡機制等機制致力於實現過渡氣候友好型能源,該機制與歐洲區域發展基金和歐洲社會基金+相關聯。
對於私營部門,歐盟委員會還將通過協助私營部門建立可持續投資的基礎,幫助私營部門按照歐盟標准或國際標准開發標準化的自然資本,將私營部門納入預算計劃。 委員會將為投資者和公司增加機會,幫助私營部門確定可持續投資並確保信譽,並在管理金融體系的氣候和環境風險方面提供支持。 另一方面,國家預算在轉型過程中發揮著關鍵作用,使用綠色預算編制將有助於將公共投資、腐敗和稅收重新導向綠色議程。 綠色預算正在幫助國家政府創建基準綠色預算實踐,同時分享綠色預算工作的最佳實踐。
該委員會的經濟和金融事務總局 (DG ECFIN) 發布了兩份文件,其中包括涵蓋淨環境影響的預算項目清單,這些項目大致分為綠色預算項目和棕色預算項目。 該文件的主要目標是為成員國實施自己的方法提供背景。 成員國可以使用分為類別和子類別以及選定措施的兩組的文件。 DG ECFIN 提議的選定措施包括稅收和收入措施以及稅收支出。 預算清單的過程來自成員國預算、歐盟預算、經合組織和歐盟數據集以及額外委員會決策的信息彙編。 但是,有幾個項目同時屬於綠色和棕色預算項目,可能會導致對所選措施的質疑。 首先,一個模糊的項目沒有被包括在內,比如水電站有利於氣候,但對生物多樣性有負面影響。 其次,儘管這些文件提供了詳細信息,但它們沒有說明不同程度的綠色或棕色,以及可能對環境產生不同程度影響的措施。 第三,綠色項目的定義不包括“綠化”項目,最後,列表中的某些項目被視為沒有替代品的棕色項目。
綠色預算項目由21個部門組成,每個部門又分為類別和子類別,並附有示例。 交通部門分為交通基礎設施,子類別包括清潔城市交通基礎設施、可持續和低碳鐵路以及港口綠化。 清潔城市交通基礎設施下的一些例子是支持清潔交通基礎設施和交通基礎設施的能源效率改造,而可持續和低碳鐵路包括支持電動火車或鐵路 TEN-T 核心網絡。 住房和社區便利設施的另一個例子包括各種不同的措施,例如為房屋的能源和材料高效翻新和舊房屋的修復提供補貼,被動房的所得稅減免,以及為公民逐步淘汰化石燃料提供激勵措施 燃料鍋爐更換可再生供暖系統。
棕色預算項目由 19 個部門組成,即使項目屬於同一部門,類別和子類別中的項目也相對較少。 例如,運輸部門僅包括基礎設施和流動性以及不可持續的運輸基礎設施和不可持續的運輸和流動性子類別。 支持道路和公路基礎設施和支持機場建設的措施示例,以及化石燃料消費補貼等化石燃料支持措施的示例。 在棕色預算項目中,措施的例子主要集中在化石燃料消耗或化石燃料支持上。
總體而言,歐盟專注於綠色預算,試圖解決氣候和能源問題,成員國之間正在從國家層面擴展到國際層面和跨部門合作,以便為不同部門優化預算工具和支持 過渡到解決氣候和能源問題的目標。 歐盟以不同方式提供資金、標準和援助以支持轉型,其中包括綠色和棕色預算項目文件,幫助不同成員國和不同部門根據 DG ECFIN 提供的類別篩选和選擇措施。
Image Source: Wix
Green budgeting, Green budgetary item lists, and Brown budgetary item lists
Key points
Green budgeting is a tool and a process focusing on the budget to help policymakers to manage and organize the policy or measures that working to achieve the climate and environmental goals of the European Union
The Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) published green and brown budgetary item lists to help member state to select the measures for their own
The European Union provides two definitions of Green Budgeting. First, green budgeting means using the tools of budgetary policymaking to help achieve climate and environmental goals. Second, it was understood as a process whereby the environmental contributions of budgetary items and policies are identified and assessed with respect to specific performance indicators, with the objective of better aligning budgetary policies with environmental goals (European Commission, n.d.). In 2019, the European Commission published a document called ‘The European Green Deal’ in an attempt to tackle the climate and environmental-related challenges with a strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy with zero net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use (European Commission, 2019). The EU as a collective group is working beyond their national border with international efforts to build an alliance to strengthen their environmental ambition as an integral part to implement the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals.
For the government, in order to achieve any goals and plan the strategy, budgeting plays a key role. The Commission has estimated the cost to achieve the climate and energy goals that will require €260 billion of additional annual investment. In addition, the Commission has proposed a 25% target for climate mainstreaming across all EU programmes and another alternative revenue stream are based on the non-recycled plastic-packaging waste and allocating 20% of the review from the auctioning of EU emissions Trading Systems to the EU budget. Moreover, at least 30% of the InvestEU Fund will contribute to climate change along with related sustainability projects that will lead to the EU budget. A collaboration with the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group will work with national promotional banks and institutions to double their climate target from 25% to 50% by 2025 to become Europe’s climate bank. As part of the green finance program, mechanisms such as Just Transition Mechanism under the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan that working towards a transition climate friendly energy which the mechanism is associated with European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund Plus.
For the private sector, the EU Commission will also integrate the private sector into the budgeting plan by assisting the private sector with foundations for sustainable investment and helping the private sector to develop standardized natural capital according to the EU standard or the international standard. The Commission will increase opportunities for investors and companies to help the private sector to identify sustainable investments and ensure the credibility, as well as, provide support in managing climate and environmental risk into the financial system. On the other hand, the national budgets are playing a key role in the transition using green budgeting will help to redirect public investment, corruption, and taxation on green agendas. Green budgeting is helping the national government to create benchmark green budgeting practices while sharing the best practices to work on green budgeting.
The Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) has published two documents that include a list of budgetary items covering net environmental impact which are separated broadly as green budgetary items and brown budgetary items. The main goal of the document is to provide a background for the member states to implement their own methodology. The member states could use the document classified into two groups with categories and subcategories and selected measures. The selected measures proposed by the DG ECFIN include tax and revenue measures, and tax expenditure. The process of the list of budgetary is from information compiled from member states’ budgets, EU budget, OECD, and EU datasets along with extra committee decision-making. However, there are several items that belong to both green and brown budgetary items which could lead to questioning of the selected measures. Firstly, an item that is ambiguous is not included such as hydro-power stations benefitting the climate but have a negative impact on biodiversity. Second, although the documents provide details information they did not account for different degrees of green or brown, and measures that could have environmental impacts of very different magnitude. Third, the definition of a green item does not include ‘greening’ items, and lastly, some items on the list are treated as brown items for which there are no alternatives.
The green budget items consist of 21 sectors with each sector divided into category and subcategories, and examples. The transport sector is separated into transport infrastructure with subcategories are clean urban transport infrastructure, sustainable and low-carbon railways, and greening of ports. Some examples under clean urban transport infrastructure are support for clean transport infrastructure, and energy efficiency renovation of transport infrastructure while sustainable and low carbon railways include support for electric trains or railways TEN-T core network. Another example of housing and community amenities includes example ranging from different measures such as providing subsidies for energy and material efficient renovations for houses and rehabilitation of old housing, an income-tax deduction for passive houses, and providing incentives for citizens to phase out their fossil fuels boilers for replacement with renewable heating systems.
The brown budget items consist of 19 sectors with relatively fewer items on the category and subcategories even if the item belongs to the same sector. For example, the transport sector only consists of infrastructure and mobility with subcategories of unsustainable transport infrastructure and unsustainable transport and mobility. Examples of measures support road and highway infrastructure and support for airport construction, and fossil fuel support such as subsidies for fossil fuel consumption. In the brown budget items, examples of measures are mainly focused on fossil fuel consumption or fossil fuel support.
Overall, the EU focused on green budgeting in an attempt to tackle climate and energy issues among the member states are expanding beyond the national level to the international level and cross-sector collaboration, in order for the different sectors to optimize the budget tools and support to transition for the goal of tackling climate and energy issues. The EU provides funding, standard, and assistance in different ways to support the transition which includes the documents on green and brown budgetary items that help different member states and different sectors to screen and select the measures according to the categories provided by the DG ECFIN.
來源 References
European Commission. (2019). The European Green Deal. EUR-LEX, from https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1588580774040&uri=CELEX%3A52019DC0640
European Commission. (2022). Explanatory note - Green and Brown Lists. EU, from https://economy-finance.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-01/explanatory_note_green_and_brown_lists.pdf
European Commission. (2022). List of broadly ‘brown’ budget items. EU, from https://economy-finance.ec.europa.eu/economic-and-fiscal-governance/green-budgeting-eu_en
European Commission. (2022). List of broadly ‘green’ budget items. EU, from https://economy-finance.ec.europa.eu/economic-and-fiscal-governance/green-budgeting-eu_en
About the Author
Aimpavee Kiratiakkrasak was a content writer for the Taiwan Architecture and Building Center. She recently graduated with a Master degree in Urban Governance from National Taipei University. Her interests are in international development and urban policy particularly in demographic policy, sustainable policy and resilience city. She is currently work in youth organization on raising awareness of city issues in Southeast Asia.
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