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Current Status, Future, and Challenges of SBTi


SBTi,全稱為「科學基礎減碳目標倡議」(Science Based Targets initiative),由碳揭露計畫(CDP)、聯合國全球盟約(United Nations Global Compact, UNGC)、世界資源研究所(World Resources Institute, WRI)以及世界自然基金會(World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF)所發起,是全球首個為企業設立淨零碳排標準的減碳框架。


  1. 階段一:2030年前須減少50%以上的排放。

  2. 階段二:2050年前須減少90%以上的排放。

  3. 階段三:針對無法消除的剩餘排放,需透過永久性的碳移除和封存措施來抵消。


  1. 界定短期、中期、長期目標,並須在2050年前達成淨零排放,發電與海運業則為2040年。

  2. 設立減碳範疇,至少涵蓋範疇一與範疇二。

  3. 目標應符合1.5°C的減碳情境。

  4. 揭露範疇二的碳排放計算方式。

  5. 依據溫室氣體盤查議定書減少範疇三排放,尤其當範疇三占總排放40%以上時。

  6. 每年公開其溫室氣體排放清冊及減排進展。



根據國際 Frost & Sullivan預測,亞太地區將成為未來十年全球碳市場成長最快的地區之一。預估到2030年,亞太地區的碳市場規模將達到387億美元,年複合成長率為30.6%,顯著領先其他地區。促進成長的因素包括中國在2021年啟動的全國性排放交易系統(ETS),以及日本、韓國和中國積極推動綠色技術和可再生能源的投資。台灣也逐步引入減碳機制,如碳定價、綠色投資等措施,以促使企業和個人減少碳排放。在台灣,目前共計102家公司已完成承諾階段,其中以金融業和科技產業公司為大宗,其中有43家已提交科學基礎減量目標計畫。2023年8月,台灣正式公告「碳費三子法」,邁入碳定價時代,預計2030年可減少3700萬公噸CO2e,相當於2005年基期排放的14%。碳費於明年正式實施,推動企業的低碳轉型,並提供相關輔導措施,除了從建築能效標示著手,台灣也積極在淨零建築有一番作為,締造台灣智慧綠建築高速成長,並且成為全世界綠建築密度最高的國家有三大原因:


2. 唯一獨立發展且適用於熱帶及亞熱帶的評估系統。

3. 首創將綠建築納入法規到新建建築物均一體遵行的國家。





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Current Status, Future, and Challenges of SBTi

Current Status of SBTi


The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) was jointly launched by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It is the world’s first carbon reduction framework aimed at setting net-zero standards for corporations. SBTi’s three core objectives are a “carbon budget, an emissions scenario, and an allocation method.” These objectives are designed to provide companies with specific decarbonization pathways, helping them establish emission reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. SBTi adopts a scientific approach to achieve net-zero emissions, with specific goals including:

  1. Phase 1: By 2030, companies must reduce emissions by more than 50%.

  2. Phase 2: By 2050, companies must reduce emissions by more than 90%.

  3. Phase 3: For residual emissions that cannot be eliminated, companies must offset them through permanent carbon removal and sequestration measures.

Companies should follow specific reduction levels during the implementation of these targets, in addition to engaging in climate financing. They must first conduct a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory as a baseline for the SBTi plan. After making a commitment, companies have two years to set concrete targets, which must be reviewed and adjusted every five years. The six SBTi review criteria are as follows:

  1. Define short-term, mid-term, and long-term targets, with net-zero emissions required by 2050 (2040 for the power generation and shipping industries).

  2. Set emission reduction scopes, covering at least Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

  3. Ensure the targets are aligned with the 1.5°C emissions reduction scenario.

  4. Disclose the method of calculating Scope 2 emissions.

  5. Reduce Scope 3 emissions following the GHG Protocol, especially if Scope 3 accounts for over 40% of total emissions.

  6. Annually disclose GHG inventories and progress on emissions reduction.

Future and Challenges of SBTi

According to forecasts by Frost & Sullivan, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to become the fastest-growing carbon market globally over the next decade. By 2030, the region’s carbon market is projected to reach USD 38.7 billion, with an annual compound growth rate of 30.6%, significantly outpacing other regions. Factors driving this growth include China’s nationwide Emissions Trading System (ETS) launched in 2021, as well as the aggressive investments in green technology and renewable energy by Japan, South Korea, and China. Taiwan has also gradually introduced carbon reduction mechanisms, such as carbon pricing and green investment, encouraging companies and individuals to reduce carbon emissions.

Currently, 102 companies in Taiwan have completed the commitment phase of the SBTi, with the majority coming from the financial and technology sectors. Of these, 43 have submitted scientific-based reduction plans. In August 2023, Taiwan officially announced the “Carbon Fee Tri-Law,” marking the beginning of the carbon pricing era. By 2030, it is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 37 million metric tons, equivalent to 14% of 2005 baseline emissions. Carbon fees will be formally implemented next year to promote the low-carbon transition of businesses, along with supporting measures. Taiwan has also made significant progress in net-zero construction, achieving rapid growth in green building development and becoming one of the countries with the highest density of green buildings globally due to three key reasons:

  1. Taiwan was the fourth country to implement a scientifically quantified assessment system.

  2. It developed the only independent assessment system applicable to tropical and subtropical climates.

  3. Taiwan pioneered incorporating green building regulations into law, ensuring compliance for all new constructions.


As global demand for net-zero carbon emissions continues to rise, SBTi plays a critical role in guiding companies toward achieving their decarbonization goals. While some multinational corporations and financial institutions have withdrawn from their SBTi commitments, this highlights the pressure companies face when scrutinizing their foundational data. The sustainability transition must address green finance, innovative technologies, and energy emission management while maintaining transparency in carbon reduction amidst business expansion.

SBTi Review and Summary

​Despite these challenges, Taiwan has steadily introduced carbon pricing and net-zero building policies, providing economic incentives for businesses’ carbon reduction efforts and strengthening their competitiveness in international markets. If companies effectively leverage these policies and resources, they can not only present strong evidence of compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Sustainability Disclosure Standards but also meet SBTi targets. Looking forward, collaboration between the government and businesses to implement concrete decarbonization strategies, promote technological innovation, and increase financial investment will ensure Taiwan remains a leader in the global net-zero building market. In this way, Taiwan will make significant strides toward achieving net-zero emissions, contributing meaningfully to global climate action.

資料來源 References

Science Based Target

Growth Opportunities in the Carbon Credits Market, Global, 2024-2030.


MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of "Regulations Governing the Collection of Carbon Fees".


​About the Author


Tsai, Yueh-Chun was a content writer for the Want Daily (中時旺報). She is now studying with a Master degree in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics management from National Taiwan University. Her interests are in sustainability avocacy so that she dives in different fields of industries. She is hoping to see herself become a ESG consultant and work on organization on raising awareness of ESG issues worldwide.


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