ESG Significance and Warehouse Logistics
• ESG對倉儲物流產業的重要性已成為企業必須遵循的
• 倉儲物流產業是多個 ESG 證書的一部分,公司可以選擇這些證書來實施其策略,以適應不同的 ESG 框架
• Tritax big box 是積極遵循 ESG 目標並獲得多項認證的例子之一
在瞬息萬變的當代環境中,在物流領域採用 ESG 實務變得越來越重要。 這種轉變是由多種因素推動的,包括必須遵守嚴格的法規、適應不斷變化的消費者偏好以及利用節省成本和簡化營運流程的巨大潛力。 透過優先考慮 ESG 原則,物流公司不僅可以在當前市場中蓬勃發展,還可以展示其對永續發展、社會責任和持久成功的奉獻精神。 雖然運輸通常被認為是物流的主要影響因素,但重要的是不要低估倉儲在該領域的重要性。 在倉儲領域,ESG實踐的採用已從可有可無轉變為必需,現在有許多框架可以為實踐的評估和檢修提供指導和支援。 透過這樣做,營運可以提高營運效率,降低風險,並與利害關係人建立牢固的關係。
德勤表示,企業可以選擇遵循不同的永續發展框架,包括用於建築設計施工的LEED(衡量效率、節水和廢棄物管理等因素)、工業建築的BREEAM(與LEED 有著相似的重點,但在歐洲和國際上得到認可)。 BREEAM 已被應用於包括倉庫在內的各種類型的建築。 WELL 建築標準是一個框架,用於測量和監控影響居住者健康和福祉的建築物特徵以及與永續性相關的其他要素。 ISO 14001 是全球公認的環境管理系統框架,可用於評估和改善倉庫營運的環境績效。
在環境方面,許多倉庫和物流公司已經解決了這項挑戰,並透過將倉庫大小限制在適當的大小以及可重複使用的替代品(術語稱為可回收運輸資產(RSA)或可重複使用處理單元(RHU))來應對並克服它,以及合適尺寸的包裝 (RSP)。 遵循這些關鍵術語的好處是,它可以幫助企業追求更綠色的供應鏈,減少碳足跡,降低成本,透過提高效率和生產力來提高競爭力,並在減少浪費的同時最大限度地減少損害。 透過上述行動,其好處將直接與 LEED 和 ISO14001 一致,從而獲得認證並獲得 How2Recycle 標籤。 在倉儲和物流系統方面,公司可以選擇透過審查資料中心營運或儲存和網路硬體等基礎設施系統來減少IT-OT CO2足跡。 透過將再生能源等不同的解決方案納入系統並優化能源效率軟體,這種效果使公司能夠獲得綠色電網等不同的證書。 在金融方面,金融公司正在尋找環境友善服務,如淨零服務或符合透過創造就業機會、改善基礎設施和降低健康風險對當地社區產生積極影響的項目,可以與聯合國永續發展目標保持一致。 這些好處可以與 BREEAM 認證或氣候、社區和生物多樣性標準 (CCBS) 保持一致,這些認證標誌著公司在減少溫室氣體或減少碳足跡方面的重大成就。
在社會方面,關注倉儲從業人員的社會或福祉,包容性和促進多元性,同時回饋社區。 公司可以遵循幾種解決方案,神經多樣性(ND)指的是自閉症,自閉症群體的失業率很高,公司可以決定將他們納入工作場所,例如在後台或營運部門工作。 公司可以透過各種計劃(例如定期培訓計劃或學徒計劃)提供勞動力部署和培訓,以便在工作場所創造參與和活力,同時為新員工和公司創造新機會提供空間。 健康、安全和福祉在 ESG 的 S 部分中發揮著重要作用,因為現代倉庫正在進一步整合 BREEAM 和 WELL 框架中所示的福祉實踐,公司可以選擇將該框架整合到組織中並產生策略以維持其目標並獲得認證。 另一方面,為了維持策略,公司必須透過政策、程序和結構來確保組織內部的公平和安全。 實現治理部分有利於滿足利害關係人的期望、公司的聲譽以及遵守法律和監管要求。
每家公司可能會選擇不同的重點來實現其 ESG 目標,例如,總部位於英國的物流公司 Tritax big box 將 ESG 作為公司目標之一,旨在展示永續物流領域的領導力。 他們的主要目標包括透過永續建築確保並展示我們資產的可持續性、復原力和安全性,在直接營運中實現淨零碳,增強土地生物多樣性並確保利益相關者的福祉,以及創造和衡量社會價值透過公司投資。 公司定期向用戶提供報告並更新完成 ESG 目標的情況,例如,在可持續建築目標方面,公司在網站上更新稱他們已將 GRESB 分數提高到三顆綠星,目前正在努力確保所有新項目投資組合中的開發資產擁有綠建築認證。 這些活動源自於公司以ESG為核心的策略和商業模式,提出了四個問題:我們如何投資、如何管理、如何增值、我們如何創新。 基於這四個問題,該公司提出了基於綠色倡議的策略來實現目標,並與利益相關者合作,例如在2020年加入永續物流聯盟,並提供了第一份關於建築淨零的白皮書,以創建可持續的方法開發淨零碳物流建築。 除此之外,該公司還與英國綠色建築委員會合作,簽署了世界綠色建築委員會推進淨零排放承諾,並成為英國永續發展商業委員會的活躍成員,並參與了在格拉斯哥舉行的2021 年COP26 氣候變化會談。 此外,公司也獲得MSCI ESG評級AA和GRESB 4綠星等多項ESG證書。

Photo credit : Wix
ESG Significance and Warehouse Logistics
Key points
The ESG significance to warehouse logistics sector have become necessity for companies to follow
Warehouse logistics industry are part of several ESG certificates which the companies can choose to pursue their strategy to align with difference ESG framework
Tritax big box is one of the example that actively follow the ESG goals and proven with several certification achieved
In the rapidly changing contemporary environment, the adoption of ESG practices in logistics is becoming increasingly vital. This shift is driven by a convergence of factors, including the necessity to adhere to strict regulations, adapt to evolving consumer preferences, and harness the significant potential for cost savings and streamlined operational processes. By giving precedence to ESG principles, logistics firms can not only prosper in the current market but also showcase their dedication to sustainability, social responsibility, and enduring success. While transportation is often considered the primary influencer in logistics, it’s crucial not to underestimate the significance of warehousing in this field. In the realm of warehousing, the adoption of ESG practices has transitioned from being optional to necessity with numerous frameworks are now accessible to provide guidance and support for the evaluation and overhaul of practices. By doing so, operation can achieve operational efficiency, mitigate risks, adn build a robust relationship with stakeholders.
According to Deloitte, Businesses can choose to follow different sustainability framework including LEED for building design construction which measure factors such as efficiency, water conservation and waste management ment, BREEAM for Industrial Buildings which share similar focus to LEED but mostly recognized in Europe and internationally. BREEAM has been adopted to various types of building included warehouse. WELL Building Standard is a framework for measuring and monitoring the features of a building that impact the health and well-being of the people who occupy it and other elements related to sustainability. ISO 14001 is a globally recognized framework for environmental management systems which can be use to assess and improve the environmental performance of warehouse operation.
For the environment aspect, many warehouse and logistics companies have address the challenge and overcome it by limited the warehouse size to the right size and up for reusable alternatives with the term call Returnable Shipping Assets (RSAs) or Reusable Handling Units (RHUs), and Right-Sized Packaging (RSP). The benefits of following these key terms are it help companies pursue greener supply chain, reduce carbon footprint, decrease costs, improve competitiveness by enhancing efficiency and productivity, and minimize the damage along with creating less waste. With the above mentioned action, the benefits will directly align with LEED and ISO14001 which result in achieving certification and gaining How2Recycle Label. In the aspect of the warehouse and logistic system the companies can choose to reduce the IT-OT CO2 footprint through reviewing the infrastructure system such as data center operations or storage and network hardware. By incorporating different solutions to the system such as renewable energy resources and optimizing software for energy efficiency, this effect lead to the company ability to achieve different certificate such as The Green Grid. In terms of finance, the financial companies are looking for services that are environmental friendly suhc as net-zero or comply to a project that generate positive impacts on local communities through the creation of job opportunities, infrastructure improvement, and the reduction of health risks which can align with the UN SDGs. These benefits can be align with BREEAM certification or Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS), with these certification marks a significant achievement of the companies in reducing greenhouse gaas or reducing carbon footprint.
In terms of social aspect, focusing on social or well-being of people employed in warehousing, inclusivity and promoting diversity while giving back to the community. There are couples of solutions the companies can follows, Neurodiveristy (ND) refers to Autism, the group of autism are suffering from high unemployment rate which the companies can decide to include them into the workplace for example working in the back-office or operations. The companies can offers workforce deployment and training through variety of program such as regular training programs or apprenticeships programs in order to create engagement and dynamic in the work place while allowing a space to create new opportunities to new people and the companies. Health, safety and well-being plays big role in S part of the ESG as moden warehouses are taking a step further by integrating wellbeing practices as shown in BREEAM and WELL frameworks, the companies may choose to integrate the framework to the organization and produce a strategy in order to maintain their goal anc achieve the certification. On the other hand, to maintain the strategy the companies must ensure fairness and safety within organizationt through policies, procedures and structure. In achieving the governance part has benefit in meeting stakeholder expectation, companies’ reputation and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
Each company may have chosen different focus to attain their ESG goals for example, Tritax big box, a logistic company based in United Kingdom have put ESG as one of the company goals with an ambition to demonstrate leadership in sustainable logistics. Their main goals included to ensure and demonstrate the sustainability, resilience and safety of our asset through sustainable buildings, to achieve net-zero carbon across direct operations, to enhance biodiversity on land and ensure the wellbeing of our stakeholders, and create and measure social value through company investment. The company regularly provided report and updated the users on completing the ESG target, for example, on the sustainable building goal, the company have updated on the websites that they achieved an improvement of GRESB score to three Green Stars and currently working on ensure all new development assets in the portfolio have a green building certification. These activities came from the company’s strategy and business model in placing ESG at the core with four questions: How we invest, How we manage, How we add value, and How we innovate. Based on these four questions, the company come up with strategy based on green initiative to achieve the goal and working with stakeholders suchas as joining the Sustainable Logistics Alliance in 2020 and provided the first white paper on Net Zero in Construction to create a sustainable approach to developing net zero carbon logistics buildings. Apart from that, the company also engage with the UK GReen Building Council by becoming signatories to the World Green Building Council’s Advancing Net Zero Commitment and an active member at the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development which participated in the 2021 COP26 Climate Change talks in Glasgow. Moreover, the company also eachied numerous ESG certificate such as MSCI ESG Ratings AA and GRESB 4 green stars.

來源 References
Deloitte. (2023). Deloitte Global Report. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/About-Deloitte/about-deloitte-global-report-full-version-2020.pdf
ESG - tritax big box. Tritax Event Lockup Hero Gold Rgb. (n.d.). https://www.tritaxbigbox.co.uk/esg/our-approach/
About the Author

Aimpavee Kiratiakkrasak was a content writer for the Taiwan Architecture and Building Center. She recently graduated with a Master degree in Urban Governance from National Taipei University. Her interests are in international development and urban policy particularly in demographic policy, sustainable policy and resilience city. She is currently work in youth organization on raising awareness of city issues in Southeast Asia.

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